Last week started with a trip to Charleston for one of Bradley's doctor appointments. Because it was an afternoon appointment, we planned a mommy/Bradley morning with a trip to the aquarium. Let me tell you, through his eyes it was worth it, but on a personal note, I really would've thought their boasting about improvements was true, should've known better, still same as when it opened except Penguin Planet and Camp something. Now don't let the name fool you, if it was a planet, then Pluto would be massive compared. Penguin Planet area may have been about 2 of my bathrooms and let me tell you my house is 59 years old so that gives you an idea of just how big my bathroom is.
But aside from that as I said it was worth it to be able to see it through the eyes of my 3 year old.

But aside from that as I said it was worth it to be able to see it through the eyes of my 3 year old.
Unfortunately, while we were at the doctor's office, Bradley decided no one was going to come near him to put anything on his, the return visit for Thursday was cancelled and we will return later in July. This cancelled trip also made waves for new opportunities......JENNA JADE!!!
Jenna is Bradley's older cousin (by 10 1/2 months) so needless to say they are as close as cousins can get being 100 or so miles apart and only seeing each other every couple of months or so. And Tori, well, she just looks up to Jenna and as we found out, she tries to do everything Jenna does. So arrangements were made and Wednesday Bradley, Tori, and I took a trip to Greenville to watch Jenna's swim practice and bring her back.
Then on Thursday it was on to the splash park:
And then the fun filled day ended with heart stopping as Tori hurt herself for the 3rd or 4th time. You see, while at the splash park she skinned her knee, during nap she hit her head, and taking a bath she stood up and immediately fell into the side of the tub. Being hardly 2 inches from her it looked like she hit the side with her forhead, but after grabbing her and trying to find the bump, I saw the blood....from her mouth. She slightly cut her lip and chipped 2 teeth. Luckily they are small chips: (top teeth on her right...your left).
But do you think that stopped her.....uh,uh, no way, no how!
So the next day we're off again....BOWLING:
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