
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Praised God Lately?

God is an amazing God even through all the ups and downs. From the random cards I receive in my box out of the blue that bring tears to my eyes and a smile to my face to blessing me with surviving "teaching" middle school (not only did I survive the 6th grade class, I was blessed beyond measure at only having to be with them 20 minutes by myself instead of 2 hours like I was scheduled), and even in an accident where I was rear-ended at a stoplight.

Although I was furious at the inconvenience and am frustrated to have one more thing to add to my plate to take care of, God is always right there. And I thank God for always being right there, even through the storms (no matter the size)

You see today I can be thankful and grateful that:
1. At least the vehicle didn't hit me any harder or force me into the intersection,
2. the police in that area are pretty quick so I didn't have to wait long,
3. no injuries,
4. I didn't have the kids with me,
5. my mom works right there and as late as it was she was on lunch (so blessed to be so near to my family) so she came when I called (of course I know she would've come even if she wasn't on lunch),
6. after the officer gave me my portion of the paperwork and shared with me what I needed to do from this point, he told me to have a Blessed Day (seriously those 2 words from someone are some pretty amazing and powerful words). and
7. as I started my drive to pick up kids and be part of an interview it was only moments before God reminded me that he always has reasons even when we don't quite understand them.

I don't like being in this situation or having that accident, but in just a short time I couldn't help but think that maybe I was there and prevented a more serious accident such as the man going through the intersection when the light was red and causing injury or casualty. I was there out of the ordinary because normally if I am working at the district office at the end of the day I pick up Aubrey, then Tori, and finally Bradley. Today I didn't do that because we are still trying to hire to fill some vacancies so I was actually heading back to work to put in some more time before getting the kids and heading home.

I leave you with this:
Psalm 50:14-15 I am God Most High! The only sacrifice I want is for you to be thankful and to keep your word. Pray to me in time of trouble. I will rescue you, and you will honor me.

Dear God,
I am so thankful and grateful that you have taught me to lean on you, to come to you in times of joy and peace as well as in times of fear, frustration, trouble. You are a God who is everywhere and even though I may not quite understand your purpose for the things that happen to me while I live this earthly life, let me trust in that purpose, trust in you. Let me continue to find the rainbow in the storm, the light in the dark, the blessing in disguise. Use me Lord for your will and let me always remember to praise your Holy name.

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