
Friday, November 13, 2009

New Doors Opened

We raced excitedly across the parking lot.

"Is this it, mommy?" he asked.

"Yes, baby. We are here."

As we approached the first set of doors, Bradley drew in his breath. His entire 3 feet 2 inches was just a little taller. His face shown brightly and his eyes lit up like fireworks. And then we entered....

The musty smell of aging books mixed with the new smell of books filled with crisp pages and fresh ink enveloped us.

"Wow!" Bradley exclaimed. "This is the library."

"Yes baby, this is the library. See all those books in there. Let's keep going, we're not quite inside yet," I told him as we walked through the second set of doors.

"Where are my books?"

"Hold on just a minute. Let's go get you a library card first. Come over this way."

We made our way to the circulation desk. As the lady behind the counter finished what she was working on, she looked up and asked how she could help us. "We're here to get him," I pointed to Bradley, "a library card."

As she set to work entering his data, Bradley watched intently. Then came the red plastic card along with a permanent black marker. "Here you go, sign your card."

"B... is that a B mommy?" Bradley asked after attempting to write the first letter in his name. It was a little difficult because he was stretching just a bit to see the top of the counter.

"Yes, you know how to write your name."

Together we adjusted his grip and he finished signing his card which he didn't want to let go. Anyone around would have been able to check their reflection in his grin it was so big and bright.

We made our way downstairs. Me excited to watch my little boy take in his first libary experience. I was so proud of him, when we walked by the videos, he asked what was down there. I explained and he told me, "No, I want to get my books."

Anyone who knows Bradley knows he is an avid reader. He probably has between 100-200 books in his room. Partly because he goes to my classroom and "borrows" books that absolutely have to visit his preschool class, and then magically disappear into his room. Needless to say, I was afraid we would be in for a long visit as he debated which books to check out. Oh no, not today. Because as Bradley has told me over and over, "We have to bring these books back." I guess that makes it easier to make a quick decision. He was determined: I want dinosaur books and transformer books.

Within less 5 minutes however, Bradley was proudly carrying a search and find book: Mean Machines and a book on Airplanes.

"You can get one more book. Do you want an informational book or fiction, a story book?" I asked.

"No mommy, you can get a book. I have 2." he told me.

"That's sweet and thank you, but you can get another book. I have my own card and I have lots of books I'm reading at home right now." I said.

"Oh, okay. But will you come back and get some books for you?" Bradley quizzed, genuinely concerned that I was not getting a book today.

"Yes, just not today. Today is your day!"

So we went about finding one more book. That's when we found it, Danny and the Dinosaur by Sid Hoff. A book he "read/watched" on bookflix last week.

Off we went back to the circulation desk. Bradley stretched to put his books on the counter, then stretched again to put his shiny new red card up there as well.

We then bounced out of the library with a whole new world opened up and waiting for our return.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Decorations Were Strewn All Over the Floor

It was quiet. Too quiet. What were they up to?

As I put down the pajama top and went to open the door I found it locked.

"You better open the door. NOW!" I yelled.

"Come in!" giggled a little boy.

"You better unlock the door and I mean NOW!"

I heard some rummaging and finally a click. The door opened and I found Bradley's beaming face staring up at me. Tori was in the middle of the room pulling diapers out of a bag she had found.

"Welcome to our party Mommy. See look we decorated," Bradley said as he swept his hands around to indicate the decorating he was referring to.

"See I did that part," he explained as he pointed to the floor. In front of the book shelf, the baskets of books had not only been taken off the shelf, they were out of the baskets, covering the floor like a new carpet.

"And see over there. That's where Tori decorated." Bradley proceeded to point to the kitchen set. Sure enough, the decorations of plastic bread, lettuce, donuts, and any number of other plastic food along with play plates, cups, and utensils blanketed the other half of the room.

One more reason to why parenting is one of the toughest jobs in the world. How do you get mad and upset for such a creative description of the room that I perceived to be a mess? The laughter in my head was hard to contain, but I managed.

As always, daddy had perfect timing for getting home. The kids rushed to him and I went back to the laundry. Some of Tori's decorations still adorn the floor, but the books managed to find their way back into baskets....even if they were put in there haphazardly.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Tori's 1st Live Band: Jump Start

At the hint of a musical note, she begins tapping her foot, raising her hands, or rocking her head from side to side. That's my Tori. And to watch her fills my heart with so much joy that words cannot express.

From the day I realized Tori's room had to be ballerina bears, I knew she was going to be my dancer. Little did I know how natural it was going to come. Now I know many babies do that cute baby dance thing and yeah, I may be bias, but hey I'm her mom. I have a right to be. And if you ever get to see her live....because for some reason she knows when I'm trying to could tell that she really focuses on the beat. If you look in her eyes, you can almost see the wheels turning. She'll start dancing, then stop....listen, then start again sometimes adjusting her dance moves to better match the beat. It's quite interesting to watch.

Last night Tori and I went out to eat with my parents. Fortunately a band was playing so an unplanned first, or rather many unplanned firsts, happened.

After we ordered our food, Tori was taking notice of the sound check. Tapping her hand to the table, nodding her head. Then they got started. Nana, being a lover of live music, got her and took her to the side with the band.

As I watched I could tell she was working on warming up, but was a little unsure. She stayed in Nana's arms. I would see that arm raise in the air and could tell many patrons on that side were talking about Tori. If only they knew what the night would bring.

Nana and Tori returned in time for the food to be brought to our table. But even food couldn't keep my Tori still. So I did what I normally don't allow....I took her out and let her sit in my lap to eat. She moved her body, ate her fries and hot dog, but just couldn't get still.

Then came....The Electric Slide. So not only was Tori seeing her first live band, she got to dance her first line dance.

We finished eating, and Nana returned to the band area. By now Tori was ready. She got out there and boogied.
But wouldn't you know, my daughter.....the one I already know is going to give me a run for my money....was infatuated with the guitarist. Now the female singer kept her attention getting her to do some dance moves, but it was the guitarist she made ga ga eyes at.
Which leads to yet another first....Tori got her first guitar pic. After one of the songs, the guitarist handed it to Nana telling her that "He may not understand it now, but one day." At that moment the band had to mess with him and explain that she's a girl...that's what the pink on her shoes is for.

**Sorry, sideways video, I could only rotate it at

As we headed back to Nana and Grandpop's I really thought she would fall asleep, but she kept right on dancing in her carseat. It was definitely a night to remember.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Craig and Crystal

Although I do not know Craig and Crystal and I cannot begin to understand how they must be feeling, I want to take a moment to strongly urge you to continue to pray for them. As some of you in the area may recall this summer Crystal was on her way to her mom's and they were all going to go blueberry picking. Little did Crystal and Craig know their lives would be forever changed as a speeding trucking ran into a motorcycle that ran into Crystal's vehicle. Her two precious children were killed on impact....3 and 5 years old.

They are living in a lake house owned by one of their parents and have yet to return to their own home. Physically they are healing. Craig was not involved in the accident, but physically he is caring for Crystal.

What these two may not realize is the witness their faith is spreading about God's word. What they may not realize is just how far and wide their faith is going. Just last week or the week before that I was exposed to this tragic story again when I heard some people talking of her amazing faith. I was once again struck when their story was being shared on WMHK.

Please continue to pray for them and their family.

Monday, September 7, 2009

I Have a Dream

I have a dream that one day I will not be judged by my religious preferences, my political views, or my geographic location. I have a dream that one day I will no longer be accused of being racist simply because I disagree with ideas and policies set forth by a person of a color other than my own. I dream that one day I will not be judged a racist simply for being a white human being in the beautiful state of South Carolina or for that matter a part of the south.

While I have not been least not recently and never to my face....that I am racist. When generalizations are made, then I am being called such degrading and derogatory terms.

The last I checked I am a CITIZEN of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA by birth. In the USA we are supposed to be a republic society and in such a society I do understand that there is rule by the majority and it is a government by the people and for the people. What I don't understand is not being able to find the section describing a republic as one where if my opinions and beliefs are part of the minority thoughts for the time that I have to be quiet or else I pay the consequences of being accused of racism and ignorance. In fact the difference between a republic and a democracy is the protection of the minority. Think about the Pledge..."and to the republic for which it stands." Change does not happen for the thoughts of the minority unless they speak out and that is what makes the USA so great or at least it used to. We are protected even in our Constitution to our right to free speech.

While I may not be the best versed in politics, I do have my right to have an opinion, to disagree with the policies quickly taking over, and to not be forced to agree with everyone else.

The pendulum swings in both directions and when it swings too far one way....well the reverse will eventually happen.

I pray continuously for this country. I pray to my Saviour Jesus Christ and I pray to God the Father.

While I know some will take offense and some may even be apologetic for misunderstood implications, it doesn't change the fact that when one voice makes a generalization about an entire population and then another voice does the same then uneducated assumptions somehow begin to sound like truth.

Many races and religious affiliations have often been generalized about and it has outraged many because they were judged because of the overzealous few who were way out their in their beliefs. The same is being done around this country today.

Pot calling the kettle black. That's all I can say about that. In a few years, if I were to want to make a generalization which I don't and won't, the tables will be turned. If you are someone who considers me a racist now, how will you feel when there are generalizations made about you because you disagree when Republicans are putting forth policies you disagree with, but have limited power to change at the moment because of majority rule?

I so did not want to get into a political debate, but when I feel attacked I only have 2 choices: sit back and take it or voice my thoughts. Too many times in history has something been taken away because the true majority felt like they were a minority so they didn't speak up.

It's time to speak up. It's not the presidential election that every one should be worried is each and every election. As a democracy we elect people to be our voice, if we don't take the time to elect those people during the "off" years, then no we don't have a right to complain. But I promise, I vote every November because what I vote for now affects what will be in play a few years from now. Do you?

Find out what voting issues will be on the ballot this November, educate yourself and vote.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Dance Part 1

Ecclesiastes 3:4 A time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance,

In the book of Ecclesiastes in chapter 3 we are told that there is a time for everything. We must learn to listen to God, be patient, and wait for God's timing. His timing may not be ours or it may not make any sense to us, but in the end we must turn things over to Him and trust his timing.

Now what I am about to share, you may be wondering what does this have to do with timing and God's time and such, but bear with me a moment. If you will recall my very first post, Uninhibited, was about how we need to become more like children in how we worship the Lord and in a way The Dance part 1 is a little like that too.

Tori has always preferred dancing. I think it's because while she was in the womb every evening Bradley would ask me to dance. Bradley and I would do a lot of shagging, some slow dancing, and a little fast dancing. After Tori came into the world I tried singing to her...afterall this is what worked immediately to calm a crying Bradley. Oh no, not my Tori Brooke. She cried louder....this really does a lot for one's ego, let me tell you.LOL! Instead Tori liked to dance. If I stood up and started swaying, she would calm down. Of course she also required a lot of bouncing instead of rocking as well in order to be soothed. Then one day it hit me like a ton of bricks....she had gotten so used to dancing while inside of me that she was missing that time now that she was here.

Now she's a wonder to watch. It doesn't matter what it is...a song on the radio, a jingle for a commercial, even the cell phone ringing, she will stop dead in the middle of whatever she is doing to dance.

Tonight though, I think she put on one of her best performances to date (aside from getting daddy to dance with her). She's been going to vacation Bible School with us all week and joins in the end during the music. Each night she's been bobbing her head a little, but tonight was her time....It was her time to dance. Just try not to get into the Spirit while watching her uninhibited enthusiasm. It was as if all week at VBS and in the car listening to the CD she's been soaking it all up like a sponge and tonight she couldn't contain it anymore she had to let it go. Check her out during her time to dance (and I'm sure there will be many more dances to come).

Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Catch of a Lifetime

To hear Bradley tell the story of our 4th of July weekend is priceless. I can say without any further research into the matter that fishermen just naturally know how to tell a tale. They don't have to learn it over years of practice and listening to other's stories before them. They just start from their very first catch with their version of events.

When asked about how big the fish he caught was Bradley excitedly and very straight forward, stretches his arms wide and says, "This big." Then he spreads his arms wider and jumps up and down. Then the listener gets to hear how the fish jumped out of his hands and flopped like this (Bradley's waving his arms and jumping at this point.) I just love to hear his tale everytime he tells it. Of course you'll see in a moment just how big the fish really was, but don't tell him I told you...shhhhhhhh.

Now this year's 4th of July certainly was different from the recent past. In Mark's family we gather at the lake (property that's been in the family for many know back when no one wanted to live at the lake so the prices were dirt cheap) to eat and be with one another. It's not always the same crowd, but many of the same people are usually there. Not so this year. This year was a very intimate gathering...only Mark's parents and brother, my parents, my niece, one of Mark's aunts and 2 cousins. And of course us. There was peace and quiet, light music in the background, fishing, cooking, and of course eating.

Some old toys were found and became cherished treasures.

Good food was had by all. We got a special dance performance by Miss Jenna Jade (my niece.....who I am so glad could join us this year, maybe one year my brother, sister in law, and other niece Lexie will be able to join us).

Goodbyes were said as my parents and Jenna left to get in some special one on one time. And later Bradley caught a fish. Well....kind of....and here's the less enhanced version:

You see, uncle Timmy was fishing and Bradley was helping. When uncle Timmy knew he had a fish, he let Bradley help reel him in, then Bradley got the net and got the fish out of the water. I of course missed all this as I was changing Tori's diaper, but what I did get to see was priceless. My 3 year old came up the dock as quick as his little legs would carry him proudly holding the net in front yelling look, look at my fish.

The fish was taken out of the net for Bradley to hold and then of course the talk started about needing to put him in the water, but Bradley innocently looked up and said, "But daddy, he's my friend."

It took some coaxing, but the net with the fish made it back down the dock and into the water. Bradley's fish started swimming around and Bradley was crying because he wanted to keep him for a pet. During all this the fish managed to find a way out of the net. Luckily another, bigger fish wasn't too far behind.

Bradley got to net a 2nd fish, which he will tell you he caught, then he'll back up and say uncle Timmy did. Now this fish was a wiggler. When Bradley tells you about the fish jumping out of his hands, this one did. He jumped out, started flopping on the ground, and everything.

I must say it was definitely the highlight of the day....that is until evening came, but even after the evening I think the fish still wins since it's still talked about.

That evening we went to Nana's and Grandpop's (my parents). To start our fireworks, the kids started off with sparklers. Jenna liked this, Bradley loved it, and Tori, well she was fine playing in the yard. Once it began to get dark we trekked back out and brought out the sparklers again, hoping to get Jenna excited and calm her fears, but it didn't work so she and Nana went inside. Meanwhile....

Bradley was jumping up and down, "Do another one! Do a big one!" and on and on. Fortunately my camera has a fireworks setting, unfortunately the shutter speed is slowed and I never got the timing right so I didn't get any good pics.

Back inside the house.... Jenna, Nana, and Tori (Nana came and got Tori to join them) were having a dance party.

Fun I think was had by all.

And let's remember Independence Day is about our freedom. For the majority who do not speak up, think about starting today because in order to continue to have our freedom, we must speak up, speak out, and speak loud. Afterall it's not always majority rule if the majority are silent. That's how things such as prayer in school have been taken away. The majority are standing idly by while the voices of a few are shouting. Read the papers, take a look around you, then stand for what you believe so we may continue to be free, because before long, if you stand by silently thinking other people will represent your voice, you'll find your freedom slowly fading away.

Aquarium, Swimming, Splash Park, Chipped Teeth, Bowling, Fishing....and on and on and on

Last week started with a trip to Charleston for one of Bradley's doctor appointments. Because it was an afternoon appointment, we planned a mommy/Bradley morning with a trip to the aquarium. Let me tell you, through his eyes it was worth it, but on a personal note, I really would've thought their boasting about improvements was true, should've known better, still same as when it opened except Penguin Planet and Camp something. Now don't let the name fool you, if it was a planet, then Pluto would be massive compared. Penguin Planet area may have been about 2 of my bathrooms and let me tell you my house is 59 years old so that gives you an idea of just how big my bathroom is.

But aside from that as I said it was worth it to be able to see it through the eyes of my 3 year old.

Unfortunately, while we were at the doctor's office, Bradley decided no one was going to come near him to put anything on his, the return visit for Thursday was cancelled and we will return later in July. This cancelled trip also made waves for new opportunities......JENNA JADE!!!

Jenna is Bradley's older cousin (by 10 1/2 months) so needless to say they are as close as cousins can get being 100 or so miles apart and only seeing each other every couple of months or so. And Tori, well, she just looks up to Jenna and as we found out, she tries to do everything Jenna does. So arrangements were made and Wednesday Bradley, Tori, and I took a trip to Greenville to watch Jenna's swim practice and bring her back.

Then on Thursday it was on to the splash park:

And then the fun filled day ended with heart stopping as Tori hurt herself for the 3rd or 4th time. You see, while at the splash park she skinned her knee, during nap she hit her head, and taking a bath she stood up and immediately fell into the side of the tub. Being hardly 2 inches from her it looked like she hit the side with her forhead, but after grabbing her and trying to find the bump, I saw the blood....from her mouth. She slightly cut her lip and chipped 2 teeth. Luckily they are small chips: (top teeth on her right...your left).

But do you think that stopped her.....uh,uh, no way, no how!

So the next day we're off again....BOWLING:

More to come on their adventures as we celebrate July 4th! Of course there are many more pictures you can view at and you can click on more on the left under Nana D's Angels or Pilkenton Pearls

Friday, June 19, 2009

$6 (and some change) Later

As I went about day two of cleaning (and I don't just mean the basics, I mean clean walls, floors, etc. in operation work on lowering kittie dander), I did the owe so popular in today's time, let the TV "babysit" Bradley. Tori was napping and I wanted to try to finish the living room and get the hall done. Bradley "helped" yesterday, but today he didn't want to get his booboos wet. So Sesame Street and Word World here we come.

As Bradley settled in and got excited about /o/ O. I went about moving onto the hallway. Now the hall needs some TLC. Not sure what went wrong when we panted it 5 years ago, but all around the top the paint is cracked and flaking. Been that way for 5 years. I decided to scrape what I could down and then I hear. "Mommy, I want McDonalds!"

Would you know it, I applaud Noggin because they don't have commercials to plant ideas into my little ones' heads like PBS does. So every so often I would here the McDonalds request. Then it became, "Mommy, I'm so hungry."

Now being that we've been couped up in the house since Monday, I told Bradley if he could continue to be good, as soon as I finished the hall I would shower and we could go to McDonalds. And for those of you who know me, the only thing half way decent about McD's is their Sweet Tea. So me taking the kids to McDs is rare and a treat.

About 1 1/2 hours later, yeah, I'm teaching Bradley patience, we arrived at McDs. Due to the weather being so hot and my kids can't be in the heat, I opted for the one indoors. Got out meal, spotted a table in the play area, took 3 trips back and forth to put down food, get drinks, put down drinks, drag high get the picture.

Finally we're all settled and started eating, when the manager comes in with a customer. The customer had found a hole/rip/tear/something in the netting at the top where the kids crawl through. And you guessed it...."Parents, I need everyone to get their kids off the equipment, we have to shut down the playground."

Thank God we were still able to sit at our table. So I endured oh so delicious McD's food (dripping with sarcasm here) to simply look at the indoor playground. So six dollars and some change later, we're all home and the kiddos are napping.

My next idea.....we need a public indoor playground like at McDonalds. Yes, we have things like Leapin' Lizards, Monkey Business, and Monkey Joes, but not a playground. Of course if I had the money we'd buy a place with a lot of land, build an indoor playground and have a blast. And for those wondering how my 3 year old Bradley took it.....AMAZINGLY. Not one tear, no whining, nothing, he simply listened to why we couldn't play, ate almost all his food (another amazing thing), and left wanting only to hold my hand and carry my drink with the other. I am Blessed.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Family updates

Many ask or email so here's an update for all who read this: (For some this may be familiar as I am being lazy and copying an email I recently sent)

For those who read on facebook....I am feeling better and I DO NOT WANT STREP THROAT AGAIN! EVER!!!!
Now for the update since our MUSC trip on June 8:
Charleston went well.

Tori: Tori doesn't have to return to the allergist for 3 months. She's also now on 2 allergy meds instead of one, but the second is just as needed. (***Note new info below about her current diagnosis as of 6-17).

Bradley: Bradley on the other hand is on another regimen, with some topical meds we've used in the past that seemed to start working, but then the dermatologist disagree with the allergist prescribing it so no refills were allowed (that's when we were dealing with Dr. Perrick (allergist here) and Dr. Grice).

We have to do a bleach bath once a week to keep the bacteria on the skin under control. Basically we all have bacteria on our skin and we all have the staph bacteria it just doesn't usually lead to problems like what Bradley has. With eczema patients they're more prone to staph infections. So since he has another infection that means we are once again on an antibiotic. We go back June 29 and July 2 for Bradley. The 29th they will place a tape like substance on his back for a skin patch test to see if his skin itself has an allergic type reaction to certain things that could be ingredients in the topical meds and lotions. The 2nd is to read the test. Between the 29 and swimming, baths, showers....just a sponge bath as necessary.

He's now only on Benadryl for allergies so we'll see how that works.

Since the only doctor I was able to find that had the narrowband UVB equipment refuses to treat a 3 year old, we are now looking at possibly an oral medication: Methotrexate. This was the route I wanted to avoid because as with all meds there are risk factors and the risks and benefits have to be carefully weighed. With light therapy there was only the possibility of skin cancer later in life. With Methotrexate there are many more known side effects....liver or kidney failure, bone marrow problems, to name a few. Dr. Ward who we first saw at MUSC didn't want to go this route because of side effects and felt light therapy would be much better. Dr. Kearse who we saw this week and who is specialized in pediatric dermatology brought up light therapy but once I explained the situation he brought up the probable need for methotrexate. He makes the risks sound very minimal. I don't know. All I know to do is pray on it. I've read research reports to the good as well as the bad about this particular treatment plan.

Mark's doing well since surgery. He's been back at work for a few weeks now and is scheduled to have a colonoscopy later this summer. Also having a difficult time because Meadow is at her new temporary home until she is adopted. (And Bradley asks about Meadow daily....he told Mark he was going to be a dog and cat doctor when he grows up and go get Meadow back because he loves Meadow.)

Newest about Tori (June 17):
The early comment was on how well Tori is doing and for the most part that has been true. The past few days her feet have been breaking out and yesterday while I could hardly move I could hear how miserable she sounded during the day. Today my mother in law called me in to see Tori's feet after Tori's mind you I knew they were breaking out based on last night and this morning. After nap they were BAD. Oozing blisters, etc. I knew she had an infection and there was no way I would make her wait until Monday when she sees the dermatologist. And thank God we didn't. Tori's diagnosis is eczema herpeticum. Rare for her age so Dr. Thomas went to double check to make sure because she's only seen it in older patients. With treatment things should work out fine, but if it had been left to chance things could've turned bad. I'm posting pics below so if you are sensitive to sights STOP now. Close the window. DO NOT scroll down. I post pics because I have family in various places who want to be part of Bradley and Tori's lives....even the hard to see parts. And also to let those in our lifes know/see how serious things are when I say either child has an infection. So for now Bradley's on antibiotics for staph (skin), Tori on antiviral for eczema herpeticum, and antibiotics for me for strep. So...anyone want to visit anytime soon? LOL! Hey, gotta find humor otherwise I may go crazy.

Looks worse in person, but these are the clearest pics I could get with a wiggly 13 month old....imagine trying to walk with these blisters covering both your feet. Blisters are between toes, backs of legs, inside of knees, many have burst open so you don't see the raised blisters they were. Also, eczema herpeticum can mimic impetigo (which Tori had about 6 weeks ago) so always get blisters in clusters checked out.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

From ELI to IF

As I was leaving the restroom, I ran into a proposal. Okay....I really ran into my previous principal who asked me to hang on a moment.

After checking under stalls, the conversation began. A conversation that was life changing. And no matter how torn I was about the prospect that I may not be at the school I've called home for 6 years, God seemed to calmly whisper in my ear: All things are called according to my purpose. Brandi, this is the path I have chosen for you. You have freewill and it is up to you, but here is the path.

As I left the conversation, I knew that the proposed job was between me and another person. By the time the workshop ended, I was asked if I would be available to talk the next day. I answered honestly that it was not planned for me to be there the next day, in fact I wasn't even supposed to be there that day, it was literally a last minute invite. I was assured that I would be there the next day that it would be worked out.

Little did I know the next day when I walked into the meeting after the workshop that I wasn't being interviewed. I was being given the job description, thoughts and ideas for the next year, and basically having the ball in my court to accept the position or not.

I must say if I even had a shadow of doubt in my mind before walking into the room for our meeting, it was wiped away the second the assistant principal opened his mouth. It was as if he had opened up my mind, read my deepest desires and dreams for where I wanted to see literacy in the future at my current school, and read those desires out loud for all to hear.

Am I really ready for this? Who knows. I sure seem to have a lot of people excited and supportive of this move. Does that add pressure? You bet. But I think that's how I work best...under the pressure of high expectations. Do I ever get tire of it? Yes, but it's so instilled in me that I don't know any other way to be except to rise to the expectations set before me.

This past year I had gone from teaching 3rd grade for five years to being an ELI (early literacy interventionist). Again a job proposed by the same lady who proposed my new job to me. A job I didn't even try for, wasn't even looking for. It was a great experience. Eye opening for sure. And the entire year, I was quietly figuring things out, planning for how things were going to be so much better next year. Then two weeks before school let out this year, I suddenly went from ELI to IF (instructional facilitator).

My summer suddenly went from wide open, working on my doctoral classes and starting my disseration to adding in some extra workdays, meetings, and workshops. There are many times I wonder, "What have I gotten myself into?" I've not been trained as a coach. I feel as if I barely knew what I was doing in my previous position.

I feel confident in my decision, but there is still that emotional roller coaster. I'll miss my first school family and drama club (My partner teacher from 3rd grade and I got this started 3 years ago), but I know they will still be there and a new family awaits me. And in that new family may be my next Douglas.

I recall vividly being so frustrated after college and my sudden move to Columbia. I couldn't find a job so I long term subbed at various schools. Then a call came from the district I now work for. It was human resources needing to interview me because a principal wanted to interview me, but needed the district approval first. After going through the process for what seemed like the hundredth time, I was in utter shock and disbelief when I had messages with the job offer before I even got home from the interview. That first year teaching, I knew why God put me through long term subbing the year before. First, an experience that most teachers never get before entering the profession and second, but even more importantly: Douglas.

He's another story, but know that I've been searching for my next Douglas. I think I may have found one this past year as I worked as an ELI. But I know that God is sending me down this next path because there are more Douglas's out there and I must go where He sends me to reach them.

So it is with excitement and fear that I once again dive into the unknown depths and crashing waves as I work to stay afloat. As I already said, I really don't know what I am doing (once again), but I know that with God and the amazing support system I have as well as the amazing people I will get to work with, as will work out.

I leave you with this:
Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

As you go through life, you will be faced with obstacles, defeats, falls, and choices (some easy, some hard). Know that God has a plan for you, a purpose. If you listen closely, you will hear Him. It will then be up to you to be an obidient child of God and listen and follow, or not.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Music to my Ears or Defiant Child....You choose

As we embarked on our nightly ritual (and I might add that it was about an hour later than usual since I had class), Bradley insisted that it wasn't bath time. He wanted to write.

He had found a purple marker and a piece of paper (actually, it was directions on how to sew a tablecloth). He wrote something and said, "This says: 'No more baths' mommy."
(The purple writing below Round Table...).

He then turned and walked into his room.

So of course the mommy/teacher side of me is thrilled because even though he has written stuff in the past, he has never really put it together with print conveys a message. Yes, he writes names and such, but not usually a message. And to add to that, we weren't even working on writing or anything. He just got it in himself to make him self heard through print.

Then of course there is the mommy/mommy side of know, the "Don't talk back. Do what I tell you."

And for those wondering, yes, he still had to take a bath although to get him to the tub he was kicking and screaming and me with no voice so I couldn't really do much other than a loud whisper.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


"Here's your own little piece of heaven," is what the note read. Tears came to my eyes instantly. It was a graduation gift for my college graduation.

(**intro from writing journal on 8-30-04....story never finished)

The gift was a replica of Sullivan's Island lighthouse. Words cannot begin to express the feelings I have for Sullivan's. For me that is the beach. Sure I can go to other beaches and have a good time and even feel the overwhelming peace that the ocean brings, but there's something special about Sullivan's Island. So special in fact that Mark and I got married there almost 5 years ago.

With such a special place and an ingrained passion and need for the beach it only makes sense that our children's first beach trips are to Sullivan's.

Bradley was lucky enough to have his first trip when he was only 2 months old:

And again at 1 1/2 years old. He's now 3 and we finally made it back a few weeks ago, but no camera so no pics.

Tori's first trip just happend a few days after her first birthday (and I think she loves crying from her):

Now to get the whole family down for a family pic would be nice.

Lord, you know my burdens and my heart right now. I trust in you that you will provide, you will lift us up, and you will be here no matter what. I want to thank you for making me get back to the beach this year. It has eased so much stress. As you know, even though I feel you constantly, there is something about the beach that makes your presence more known, more powerful, more intense. Thank you for creating this piece of heaven on earth. In your name I pray, Amen.