
Monday, September 7, 2009

I Have a Dream

I have a dream that one day I will not be judged by my religious preferences, my political views, or my geographic location. I have a dream that one day I will no longer be accused of being racist simply because I disagree with ideas and policies set forth by a person of a color other than my own. I dream that one day I will not be judged a racist simply for being a white human being in the beautiful state of South Carolina or for that matter a part of the south.

While I have not been least not recently and never to my face....that I am racist. When generalizations are made, then I am being called such degrading and derogatory terms.

The last I checked I am a CITIZEN of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA by birth. In the USA we are supposed to be a republic society and in such a society I do understand that there is rule by the majority and it is a government by the people and for the people. What I don't understand is not being able to find the section describing a republic as one where if my opinions and beliefs are part of the minority thoughts for the time that I have to be quiet or else I pay the consequences of being accused of racism and ignorance. In fact the difference between a republic and a democracy is the protection of the minority. Think about the Pledge..."and to the republic for which it stands." Change does not happen for the thoughts of the minority unless they speak out and that is what makes the USA so great or at least it used to. We are protected even in our Constitution to our right to free speech.

While I may not be the best versed in politics, I do have my right to have an opinion, to disagree with the policies quickly taking over, and to not be forced to agree with everyone else.

The pendulum swings in both directions and when it swings too far one way....well the reverse will eventually happen.

I pray continuously for this country. I pray to my Saviour Jesus Christ and I pray to God the Father.

While I know some will take offense and some may even be apologetic for misunderstood implications, it doesn't change the fact that when one voice makes a generalization about an entire population and then another voice does the same then uneducated assumptions somehow begin to sound like truth.

Many races and religious affiliations have often been generalized about and it has outraged many because they were judged because of the overzealous few who were way out their in their beliefs. The same is being done around this country today.

Pot calling the kettle black. That's all I can say about that. In a few years, if I were to want to make a generalization which I don't and won't, the tables will be turned. If you are someone who considers me a racist now, how will you feel when there are generalizations made about you because you disagree when Republicans are putting forth policies you disagree with, but have limited power to change at the moment because of majority rule?

I so did not want to get into a political debate, but when I feel attacked I only have 2 choices: sit back and take it or voice my thoughts. Too many times in history has something been taken away because the true majority felt like they were a minority so they didn't speak up.

It's time to speak up. It's not the presidential election that every one should be worried is each and every election. As a democracy we elect people to be our voice, if we don't take the time to elect those people during the "off" years, then no we don't have a right to complain. But I promise, I vote every November because what I vote for now affects what will be in play a few years from now. Do you?

Find out what voting issues will be on the ballot this November, educate yourself and vote.

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