
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Dance Part 1

Ecclesiastes 3:4 A time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance,

In the book of Ecclesiastes in chapter 3 we are told that there is a time for everything. We must learn to listen to God, be patient, and wait for God's timing. His timing may not be ours or it may not make any sense to us, but in the end we must turn things over to Him and trust his timing.

Now what I am about to share, you may be wondering what does this have to do with timing and God's time and such, but bear with me a moment. If you will recall my very first post, Uninhibited, was about how we need to become more like children in how we worship the Lord and in a way The Dance part 1 is a little like that too.

Tori has always preferred dancing. I think it's because while she was in the womb every evening Bradley would ask me to dance. Bradley and I would do a lot of shagging, some slow dancing, and a little fast dancing. After Tori came into the world I tried singing to her...afterall this is what worked immediately to calm a crying Bradley. Oh no, not my Tori Brooke. She cried louder....this really does a lot for one's ego, let me tell you.LOL! Instead Tori liked to dance. If I stood up and started swaying, she would calm down. Of course she also required a lot of bouncing instead of rocking as well in order to be soothed. Then one day it hit me like a ton of bricks....she had gotten so used to dancing while inside of me that she was missing that time now that she was here.

Now she's a wonder to watch. It doesn't matter what it is...a song on the radio, a jingle for a commercial, even the cell phone ringing, she will stop dead in the middle of whatever she is doing to dance.

Tonight though, I think she put on one of her best performances to date (aside from getting daddy to dance with her). She's been going to vacation Bible School with us all week and joins in the end during the music. Each night she's been bobbing her head a little, but tonight was her time....It was her time to dance. Just try not to get into the Spirit while watching her uninhibited enthusiasm. It was as if all week at VBS and in the car listening to the CD she's been soaking it all up like a sponge and tonight she couldn't contain it anymore she had to let it go. Check her out during her time to dance (and I'm sure there will be many more dances to come).


  1. that's so sweet! :) i love it! :) Jenna was the same way! she'll dance any chance she's given! And its really funny to watch her try to mimick the "So You Think You Can Dance" contestants... of course, it sometimes interferes with her other passion- magic shows. she's currently studying HOW to do the magic...everything has a chance to disappear when she's around LOL. don't worry- it reappears under her magic cape lol.

  2. It makes you wonder about how many things kids come wired with and how many we teach or reinforce. I am inspired to write something similar about my two little ones, now grown. Thanks.
