
Saturday, September 21, 2024

We Are Not Given a spirit of fear

I posted all the below on Facebook September 20, 2024 after a few nights of dreams and beautiful reminders from God. My posts are as much for myself as they are for others who may need these reminders or things to think about as well. I've missed writing and have fought for years to get back to it. I'm back!  Please hold me accountable. 

I'm sure I'm not the only one who could use these reminders. 

This morning is includes multiple songs telling a bigger story. 

2 Timothy 1:7 says...
For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and sound mind. 

Sometimes...or maybe often, I don't know...when we move in a direction God has called us, there is some uprooting that takes place. Some things have to fall away and some things that we need to be reminded of get brought back to the surface. This brings me to song number 1: "Look What You've Done" by Tasha Layton. 

🎡🎢🎡🎢 The lies I believed
They got some roots that run deep
I let 'em take a hold of my life
I let 'em take control of my life

Standing in Your presence, Lord
I can feel You diggin' all my roots up
I feel Ya healin' all my wounds up
All I can say is hallelujah🎡🎢🎡🎢

And as you go through this process of uprooting, sometimes those lies try to creep back in, looking for holes in your armor. Looking for ways to bring you back down, to cause you to stumble, to cause doubts, fears, and timidity...BUT that's NOT God! God didn't give us those spirits, instead He gave us a spirit of POWER, LOVE, and SOUND MIND! PRAISE GOD! πŸ™Œ

So because of what God has given us, the reminder song to go with the verse is "Power, Love, Sound Mind" by Matthew West. 

🎢🎡🎢 I have not been given a spirit of fear, but of power, love, sound mind. Love, sound mind.
I don't have to give in to a spirit of fear....
I AM power, love, sound mind, love, sound mind...🎡🎢🎢🎢

And as you remember who you are and WHOSE you are. As God reminds you that you are not alone. That when you feel like your roots are being dug's not just lies that try to creep in during that uprooting. There is also the TRUTH. There is the strong root system that is revealed that is your foundation in Christ. And through that, you remember to walk in the fact that God is your joy, your song, your rock, your place of refuge, your protector, your defender. He's your portion, your salvation. His love defends you. He never leaves nor forsakes you. His promises are true. He is true to His Word. His promises are yes and amen!


The third song as I close out is "Your Love Defends Me" by Hannah Kerr. 

Here's a playlist with all the songs and a few more: Playlist for Sept. 20, 2024

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