
Sunday, January 19, 2014

Down to the River

Some people can tell of the exact moment God turned their life around, but for me, I honestly don't recall a time without God. You know what I'm talking about, that hit rock bottom, down on your knees with no where else to turn and then God "steps" in situation. What I can tell you about though is being saved by accepting Christ as my Savior and getting baptized. You see I feel as if I am lucky because I've always believed and accepted and the older I get and more I learn about being a Christian the stronger my faith becomes. Notice however I didn't say anything about being even close to a "perfect" Christian. Yes, I can recall plenty of times, long stretches even, of not attending church, and of questioning why God lets things happen, but no matter what He's always been a part of me, a part of my life.

Of course like any child who doesn't do exactly what her parents tell her, I can also tell of times of going my own way, interpreting things my own way, or just plain not listening to what God has planned for my life. I can promise that as one grows older, it doesn't get any easier, the questions and doubts still find their way into your thoughts and sometimes you want something so bad that you try to convince yourself that it is what God really wants for you. You look for "signs" to "justify" those earthly desires. What does get better is understanding, understanding what you need to do in order to have a closer relationship with God so that you can get better at being still, at listening, at following His plans for your life. Of course, as with anything in life, it takes work, it takes putting forth the effort to try to become better, and owning up to the fact that you are not perfect, but you can at any time, no matter what, call upon the Father, lean on Him, allow Him to hold you as a mother holds her baby.

Throughout the Bible we learn that there is something important we must do in our life here on earth.

In Matthew 28:18-20 we learn: 18) Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19) Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20) and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

In Mark we learn of Jesus' baptism
1:10 Just as Jesus was coming up out of the water, he saw heaven being torn open and the Spirit descending on him like a dove.

In Luke 3:21-22:
Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven was opened, and the Holy Spirit descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon him, and a voice came from heaven which said, "Thou art my beloved Son; in thee I am well pleased."

In John 3 we learn:
5) Jesus answered, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God."
13) For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Later in Acts:
2:38 Peter replied, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
22:16 And now what are you waiting for? Get up, be baptized and wash your sins away, calling on his name.
Acts 2:38

About 18 years ago, I was insistent that I was going to be baptized, but I didn't want to be dunked in a pool nor did I want some water sprinkled on my head. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with either of those ways, but for me I wanted to be baptized in the "river".  I wanted, no needed, what is shared in the Bible concerning baptism.

Things worked out for me to have this happen as I was staying with my grandparents in Virginia the summer between my sophomore and junior years in high school. As we prepared for that date, we ran into the trouble that it hadn't rained much so the areas in which we could do the baptism were low. God shined through in a big way....the rain finally came, only this time, there was so much water that the area was now too deep. Much prayer was said and by the time of my baptism the water depth was just right and what a glorious day it was.

What a glorious day this was! And taking the time to remember your baptism is something we must continue to do as Christians. We must each take time to really remember what it means that God gave us his Son so that we may be washed clean. Can you imagine such sacrifice?

About 10 years later God blessed me with a beautiful baby boy: David Bradley Cade. I think I have learned even more by watching his testimony, his life. You see it would be so easy for me to be angry about what Bradley deals with daily, and yes, recently I have been angry because it is hard and unfair. But God is so amazing that he allows me to have my moments and then brings me right back to where I need to be.

I think back to the time when my baby looked like this:

And since this time, we continue to have ups and downs with both Bradley and Tori. With Bradley we have learned of additional medical problems he suffers from and we have to routinely go to MUSC to meet with doctors. But through it all, Bradley holds on to his faith. During the times of these pictures, he often spoke of Jesus being right beside him, of being taken to heaven and not just being with Jesus, but of God holding him through the pain.

He still suffers a great deal of pain, just tonight he spent time screaming because of the pain he suffers to put on his medications. But through it all, he will tell anyone in a heartbeat that if you don't have Jesus in your heart, then you are going "down there." He will often have discussions with me and with his Nana about just wishing he could go ahead and go to Heaven to be with Jesus because then all his pain will be gone. We learn so much from him and from his faith. When I want to yell and scream because he can't have what "normal" kids have. We have to prepare ahead of time for something so normal as eating, yet he takes it all in stride. Yes he gets down as anyone would, but he mostly holds strong and teaches the adults around him.

This amazing little boy wrote a note to Reverend Becky a few weeks ago, "I want to be baptized." That was all it said. We've talked about why and what this means for him, and he really knows what he is talking about. Even today when the lesson in Sunday School was about Jesus baptism, I asked all my babies what they thought baptism was. I got responses of "I don't know" "Having a bucket of water dumped on you" and "Being thrown into a river.", but Bradley shared that it all has to do with having Jesus in your heart and having your sins washed away.

When he spoke with Reverend Becky about his desire to be baptized and responded to the questions she asked, he responded with all he felt and he even matter of factly told her that he didn't want to get baptized this Sunday (today), but next Sunday. So we are set, my baby is taking a big step in life and next week he will be baptized. He even has plans to mark it on his calendar that he wants to keep forever so he will never, ever forget.

So I leave you with this.

Matthew 18:3
"Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."

Matthew 19:14
But Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.

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