
Friday, February 13, 2009

A Dinosaur Sneezed

(Some gross content below....don't say I didn't warn you.)

My van has been at Addy Dodge for the past couple of days to have the locks fixed, which means I've been borrowing my parents truck. Well, not just any truck. A big ole Dodge Ram which Bradley has loved since his first ride in it.

Needless to say, Bradley's been excited about going anywhere the past view days and has even decided "I want to keep it. I love it." This is all I heard yesterday when we talked about going to pick up mommy's van.

Finally the time came and we were all headed to Lexington and Bradley repeating over and over he didn't want to get my van he wanted to keep the truck.

We stopped at Hudson's for barbecue, rice, hash, etc. at which point Bradley was finally distracted from the fact that we would be picking up my van. His new topic of conversation became "I really like barbecue. I love it." And from the amount of food he ate off Mark's plate, I can believe it. Mark almost didn't have enough for left overs.

We got back in the truck and were once again on our way. A short while later I hear, "I have a burger."

"What? You want a burger?"

"No mommy, a boorger."

"Oh, a booger! DID YOU PICK YOUR NOSE?"

"No.........(long pause) a dinosaur sneezed!"

Ah...out of the mouths of babes.

We eventually got my van and daddy drove it home while Bradley stayed with mommy in the truck. Which of course we had to drive we were leaving the house this morning the conversation returned to "I don't want to take the car, I want to take the truck. I like the truck. I love it."

1 comment:

  1. That is so cute! :) They are soooo funny at this age, aren't they?!
