
Sunday, February 8, 2009

I Demand to Speak with a Manager

Last night we went out to eat at Ruby Tuesday's with my parents. Bradley and Tori were very well behaved....well we did have to tell Bradley more than once to get back in his seat. Things went like a normal meal out together until the end.

We had already paid and were waiting for the waitress to return. I was talking with my mom and getting Tori ready to leave when I heard my husband say "Well, this isn't the Wild Hare, we can't do that here."

To give a little background the Wild Hare is another restaurant that we frequent with my parents. By frequent I mean we would eat there once a week. We still go there often, but are trying to venture out once in a's just hard to find cheap food and drinks anyplace else.

Back to what I overheard. Apparently Bradley told Mark he wanted to watch cartoons and Mark was trying to explain that we couldn't do that. Bradley, having been to the Wild Hare often and knowing good and well that tv channels at restaurants can be changed, insisted that the channel could be changed. He told us that he didn't like what was on...2 basketball games and I'm not sure about the other tv since there was a commercial on.

Mark's response, thinking it would be the end of the conversation, "Well we would have to talk to a manager about that."

Of course my 3 year old replies, "Well, daddy get the manager."

At this time Mark's trying to explain the conversation to us and trying to distract Bradley since we're getting ready to leave. When Bradley once again demands "Daddy get the manager."

At this point we're all talking about leaving and getting up so nothing ever came of it, but yeah, my three year old is already being taught, "If you don't like something go to mom or dad, if you don't like that go to a grandparent, and if that doesn't work "get the manager."

1 comment:

  1. Cute! And "getting the manager" works often for Scott so it's only time before Sam starts asking too!
