
Sunday, February 8, 2009


A few weeks ago in Sunday School we talked about why it is sometimes hard for us as Christians to share our faith with others. We were even asked how many of us have ever lifted our hands in worship. Another question had us answer the question: Where have we seen Jesus or the work of God? (I know I didn't phrase the question exactly, but it's a close summary).

First and foremost I believe if you want to see the work of Jesus you only have to look to the nearest child. As scripture even states:

“I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”
Matthew 18:3 (New International Version)

Bradley is a living example of this. I thought as a mom I was in awe of every new venture he conquered....rolling over, talking, crawling, walking, running, smiling (the list could go on). Then I thought when I would catch him reading or singing that watching him learn was the best. And afterall a major reason I became a teacher is because I love to watch a child learn, to see the exact moment the lightbulb turns on. But now I am overwhelmed with the sensations I feel watching my son grow in Christ.

Now some will say, "Oh, but he's only 3 what can he know."

I must say, he knows more than many adults I know do.

A few weeks ago I decided to take him to early service because a group from my Sunday school class was performing and I knew there would be drums. And Bradley loves drums. During that service I watched and listened as Bradley eagerly ate up every song, raised his hands, danced, and even added a few "Wooos" which of course brought quiet chuckles from the congregation.

In the beginning the pastor asked "If we had one song to sing while lying in a ditch somewhere, what would it be?" Or something close to that. Of course I didn't think Bradley was paying any attention because I barely could from trying to get him to sit still and be quiet. Then after the video and the pastor began talking again and I believe asked the question again, Bradley started singing...."Jesus loves me this I know, the Bible tells me so...." First I had never heard Bradley sing this song (even when I've tried to get him to sing it with me). Second, he was right on target with what the pastor was talking about. Then came the music and Bradley letting his free spirit celebrate God with dancing, trying to sing, clapping, and "Wooo"

Later that day while driving to my mom's he said, "I see Jesus."

My response, "Where?"

With the attitude of duh mom, "On your car."

That was all a few weeks ago, last Friday on the way to daycare we were listening to WMHK like
we always to do and Bradley piped up, "I saw Jesus." Again I asked where and he said, "When I was a baby."

Today, I was once again reminded of his childlike spirit and uninhibited ways when we once again attended early service. Of course as the mom I'm trying to get him to settle down, learn the "rules" of going to church, and praying desperately that the people around us could be understanding. Finally we got to the part where we stood to sing a song and Bradley was really getting into it. At first I held him up so he could see, but he was dancing with such emotion I asked if he wanted to stand beside the pew in the aisle to dance.

He let his spirit flow as he danced, raised his hands high, and gave that priceless grin of his.

Of course I should've known I had started something, because he wanted to sit in the aisle and I was whispering for him to get back to the pew. A few aisles back I heard a dear friend keep telling me..."He's fine, just let him sit there."

Well, sit there he did for a moment or two. Thankfully the group from Sunday school got up to perform shortly after that and Bradley was the first one standing (I think). When the guitar and drums started, Bradley's foot was stomping to the beat and it wasn't long before he was dancing.

Of course the music had to come to an end and it was soon time for communion. I watched as my son slowly made his way up the aisle. When he got really close to the front, he turned to whisper "Mommy, can I watch up here?" At that moment I'd already been praying hard for God to please let the congregation not be too upset and I was highly embarrassed thinking we've got a lot to work on, but then the most amazing thing happened. At least in my opinion.

As the pastor was preparing the bread and juice for communion and raising them to the Lord for thanksgiving, I watched as my son stood in the middle of the aisle at the very front and mimicked the pastor, then Bradley walked to kneel at the altar. (He's never been in service for communion before or seen anyone kneel there as far as I know).

When everyone was asked to come forward, he became lost in a sea of people and he was trying to make his way back to me. Linda was ahead of me and got Bradley. I heard the pastor say "good job" and knew that he had accepted bread and dipped it in the juice.

As if that weren't enough, on the way home I asked Bradley if he was filled with the Spirit, if he was filled with Jesus. Not thinking a three year old could 100% understand, but knowing that now is the time to have these conversations. Bradley informed me "Yes, Jesus went in my mouth." It took me a moment to realize what he meant, then he said, "I ate Jesus." Ah, out of the mouths of babes.

I realize now that if I had put my foot down (and yes I know he needs to learn and if I allow things to happen now, then they will only be reinforced an become habit), but if I had put my foot down and insisted he return to the pew:

  • Would I have seen my child attempting to mimic such a special ceremony?
  • Would Bradley have understood what he was doing when he ate the bread that represents Jesus' body and the juice that represents the blood He shed?
  • Would I be the one to stifle his childlike spirit that so freely worships without fear of what others are thinking?

If we as adults really want to become more like little children, then we must look to the very model of what we are trying to become. We must look at the little children as they soak up the lessons and respond in song, dance, sitting in the middle of the aisle at the front of the church all so they can watch.

Lord, You know my heart and You know that I struggle right now because I don't want to be so inhibited, I long to worship freely, not hesitate before raising my hands high in praise, not hesitate about speaking out and not wait to see what others are doing or saying. I ask that you continue to remind me to be more like little children. For it is in Christ's name I pray. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. That had to be one of the most beautiful and inspiring things I have ever read. I would love for you to share this with the 11am service this Sunday. If you do not feel comfortale, would you mind it if I shared some of it for you. I would be honored if you let me. But gosh Brandi, this so falls in line with the theme of worship Sunday. I will definitely share this with the youth Sunday evening. I truly believe Jesus speaks to us all the way your son has shred with you. I don't think we pay attention. I remember some feelings and thoughts just as those when I was a few years older than your boy. Those are some good memories you bruoght back. Also, Bradley can come up and sing with me anytime he wants. It's what worship is all about!
