
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Sharing my Story Day 10: What's in Store?

As I prayed all day on what this evening's piece of my testimony would be, I must admit I was struggling. While today wasn't necessarily the worst of days, it was definitely one of those days I had to fight through. I know it is mostly because I like knowing my place, what I'm supposed to do, and to make a difference. I like to accomplish stuff. Life right now is just a little uncomfortable at times. While I don't enjoy discomfort, I do appreciate that we can must go through times of discomfort to grow and to learn. But that discomfort is quite a different feeling. So I was really struggling not knowing what I'm really going to focus on.

Then I got to my first grown up "Bible" study...well, not quite a Bible study. We will pull out scripture now and again and ground some of our discussion on what we learn from the Bible, but the real focus is on learning how to share ways God has worked in our life. I am so on fire right now that I just want to keep on going. Never has working with a group of adults been so amazingly easy and comfortable. I can't wait to see what the next several weeks hold. God has great plans for this, I still don't quite know what I'm doing...I'm just trying my best to follow his lead. Who knows maybe my state of discomfort in other areas is purposeful and part of a grander plan He has in store.

After getting home, I was even more unsure of what to write. I kept thinking of the great question posed tonight "Is there a difference between your life story and your testimony? If so, what is it?" Then I read from my book, Moments of Peace in the Presence of God. I'm not great at reading my morning and my evening meditations from the book at those designated times so I read my morning page titled "Coming In to Go Out". What?????

The story of when the disciples went to the tomb was shared. They had to go IN the tomb to see that Jesus wasn't there anymore and then go OUT into the world to tell the good news. How fitting for what we are trying to do! It went on to share that "God wants you to have inward and outward movements. Go inside yourself to be with God, and go out to others to take God to them. Retreat to the sanctuary, and then advance to the streets where people need God."

WOW! This hits the nail on the head. What I am asking all of us to do is to turn inward, be with God, find those moments those testaments within your life, pull them to the forefront of your mind, then be prepared to go out into the streets and take God to others. We had a great discussion about knowing your audience when you are sharing God. Your audience may be just one person, a small group, or lots of people, but you must try to determine who your audience is when you are with them and then share your testament of God's work in your life as it is relevant so that others can identify and "get" what you are saying.

You know we didn't even get to any writing tonight or really focus on how to get started, but it was still a great night and many pieces of stories were already shared which will help us grow one step closer to being able to share with others.

So if you are looking for ideas on how to write your story, here are a few tips that may help:
1. In Jeremiah 1:7-9 God reminds us to not be afraid, He will give us the words to say.
2. Trust in yourself, allow yourself to go to the places God leads you to.
3. Pick up pen and paper (or computer) and let your thoughts flow on to the paper....DON'T focus on whether it makes sense or whether the words are just right. Just get the thoughts out.
4. If writing seems too intimidating, try something smaller.....lists work wonders. In school when I teach writers, we call these seeds and we can go pull from them anytime to draft a written piece. Create lists of times in your life or events that have stuck with you, lists of favorite scripture, think about your emotions....times when you were really happy or sad or lonely or angry....
5. Below are some websites that have great tips, check them out too:

Let us pray:
God, Thank you. You sent your Son to save us and for that I thank you. I thank you for this opportunity, this door you have opened although you know in my heart Lord that I still feel like I don't know what I'm doing. I ask that you continue to be patient with me as I am learning how to better follow you and to share you with others. I ask that you open up all our hearts to listen to you Lord so that we may better figure out our story and what parts of that story will become our testimony that we will share with others so that they may come to know you as well. In Your Name, Amen

1 comment:

  1. You will never be able to comprehend what this journey is doing for me. While I believe with all my heart, I am struggling once again with my path; the path He has for me. Reaching inside myself and facing the trials and triumphs of my long, soap opera type journey, has been enlightening to say the least. I am seeing parts I am so lacking in and parts that are stronger than I realized they were. Love you.
