
Friday, September 26, 2014

Sharing my Story Day 26: Knocked Down

There are always going to be ups and downs throughout our life and in our present moments. Today is no exception, but God's got this.

My story will not be long this time, but it will be focused on keeping the faith even when it seems like everything is going wrong. This year has seen its fair share of downs and it seems that it isn't over quite yet.

Mark, my husband, works for a subsidiary of Blue Cross Blue Shield. The section he works for is under a government contract. In the 20 plus years since its development, his company has been the only one to successfully win the government contract every time it is up for renewal. Last year, when it was bid on, they didn't receive any news. They have been waiting for the better part of a year to find out whether they won. For the first time in over 20 years, his company lost the contract. The winning company outbid them by proposing they could get the job done for about $30 million less. The irony of it all....Mark just had his annual review and received his highest percentage raise since starting work for this company over 12 years ago.

The good news is we have a little time before this all takes affect. Mark also has been with the company for a number of years and his reviews have always been good. He and others he works with will have priority to jobs within the larger parent company. My prayers are that this will be a smooth transition to someplace else within the company. We've been battling insurance for so long and I just don't want to start over. Not to mention that his insurance costs hundreds less than what would be taken out of my pay for the family. I know God may have other plans, but I pray that those plans are simply to move within the company for now.

While it feels like the waves keep crashing all around me though, I will hold strong to my faith. I will seek God and trust in him through it all. Things are going to get easier, but we must first deal with these hard times. You see, God's love "never fails and never gives up and never runs out on me." And "deep inside I know enough to cry out....God I'm tired of fighting this fight.....but I'm not running away...Tonight, I'm gonna fix my eyes on the only hope who satisfies my heart, You are the One I'm running to."

God's got this! God's got this! God's got this! And for that I am so thankful. I believe that he has started something great in my life and I know he is going to see it through!

Let us pray:
God, I do not know the plans you have for me, but I trust that you have your reasons. There is a purpose. I am running to you and I will hold on to you all the tighter as we go through this time in our lives. Lord, I also pray that those who don't know you will open up their hearts and start to listen for your voice, especially as they go through challenges in this life that seem overwhelming. I pray that others find you and feel the great peace you give to all your children. Amen.

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